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Gradius Home World グラディウス ホームワールド

Links Blank Gradius


Screen Resolution

The choice in the end was 800x480


Gradius Gaiden has excellent detail at 320x240, but in the end decided to go wide-screen as more and more games use this, also the fact that most screens are no longer 4:3 ratio this makes sense.

Plus the higher resolution makes the use of transparencies and over effects look nicer.

PlayStation Gradius Gaiden - 320x240

PlayStation Gradius Gaiden - 320x240

Blank Gradius - Heavens Gate - 800x480 Wide Screen

Blank Gradius - Heavens Gate - 800x480 Wide Screen


Title Screen Loop

After playing hundreds of shoot'em-up's on the PC Engine over the last few weeks it's been a breath of fresh air with the games.

I cannot stand stuff you cannot skip, if i've had to watch one more 'made by' and crappy intro again and games are getting worse for it. On the PSP or PC some games have three or four 'made by' short animations and logo's you have to watch.

  • You should be able to skip the Intro straight to the Title screen
  • No matter how important a cut scene is to the plot you should be able to skip it
  • At any part of the loop like when the demo is playing or it's on the Ranking screen, if you press start it takes you straight to the Title screen
  • The Game should have an Auto save feature for the scores and game settings
  • In the Option Setting Screen you can set to automatically skip the 'made by' and Intro screens

Made By GameStone - Gradius Home World (Ultra short logo screen) (Can skip to Intro)
Intro - (Can skip to Title)
Title Screen
If Button Pressed Bring Up Menu
Ranking 1-10
If Loop < =3 goto Title
Goto Intro


Title Screen Menu

Title Screen Menu

Just a standard Press Start Button


Title Screen Menu

Four standard options

Game Start, Rankings, Option , Exit


Game Over Loop

Are there any credits left? - If no Show Game Over
If yes show Continue Screen
Show Game Over Screen
Is there a high score? - If no Show Ranking - Title Screen
If yes show Name Entry Screen
Show Ranking Screen
Back to Title Screen Loop




[Speed Up] [Missile] [Double] [Laser] [Option] [?]

Three different styles depending on weapons collected.

Weapon Bar

Bottom bar is the weapon bar for the game with nothing selected, the 2nd one up (yellow coloured) is to show you which weapon you are currently on but have not selected yet, the top bar is for weapons you already have.




Rank Name Score Age Round/Stage
2 char 3 char 8 char 2 char 2-2 char
99 ABC 99999999 99 99-99
1 GST 57600 27 1-6



I've been tweaking the font over the last few weeks.

It contains:-

  • Modern Font (4 colours) - Menu displays.
  • Classic Font (4 colours) - In-game score display
  • Modern Font with gradient fill (4 colours) - Ranking display
  • Modern Font with gradient fill, hand edited to make the edges smooth (4 colours) - Titles for Options, Ranking, Continue and Game Over.


Just playing with the Gradius Gaiden Font I made back in 2009, I decided to make a x2 and x4 hand edited verson for higher resolution displays.

The original font for Gradius Gaiden was for 320x240 gaming so the first font listed below is my double reslolution font for 800x480 games, the x2 is for 1920x1080 and the x4 is for 3840x2160 4K gaming.

I may actually find a use for them at some point.

Font - for 800x480 Games


Font x2 - for 1920x1080 Games

Font x2

Font x4 - for 3840x2160 Games

Font x4